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PFC Dan Bullock

PFC Dan Bullock Admin |

PFC Dan Bullock was born in Goldsboro ,NC His mother died when he was eleven years old and, he was sent to Brooklyn NY to live with his father. He always wanted to be a pilot, policeman or a Marine. He did not like New York so, when he was 14 he altered the birthdate on his birth certificate and enlisted in the Marine Corps. On Sept 18 1968 at 14 he was on his way to Parris Island He was a member of Plt.3039; Some of you reading this may have trained with him. On May 18 1969, at the age of 15, he arrived in Vietnam. He was assigned to Fox 2/5 and, on June 7 1969 he was KIA at or near An-Hoa. At 15 he became the youngest Serviceman killed in Vietnam. If anyone out there knew him please post a comment. SEMPER FI and RIP PFC BULLOCK.



In reply to Stephen Ford.
The bringing ammo story is pure bunk. Bullock and the other three,Eggy,Bunn and Hunnicutt were all killed in the bunker. Don’t remember but two guns in 2nd platoon that nite and you aren’t one of them. Dan and myself and a mule driver along with a sargent ,,Calhoon I think were detailed to get dirty 30 cal belts from tank area and bring them to bunkers at Delta Sector. That took til almost dark. I went to my bunker ,and later Calhoon came to my bunker yelling for eggy’s guys to turn the dam music off and quit using flashlites. I think if you subscribe to the “killed while bringing ammo” story,most likely you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. One of my best friends whom I see several times a year was on the M-60 that night.BULLOCK and several others were totally drunk on cheap gook rum that evening and it probably cost four Marines their lives.Tell me who recorded the fight on tape and I might think you have something to say.

Gene Tucker,

This is what makes America the greatest on the planet. RIP Marine

Joe Henderson,

I was with 3rd Marines in Dong Ha & Quang Tri area in 1968. A small unit of ours was sent down to assist the 5th Marines in the An Hoa area. I was a 0211 (Intelligence). Two things I remember most are–just before we got there, the 5th Marines 1st Sarge & Colonel were shot down & killed in a helicopter, I think the ARVN colonel was with them too! Second I was lucky enough to get picked to go to the USO (Bob Hope) show in DaNang while there, Xmas 1968. I got out on the LZ at 4 am to await the flight, slowly the other Marines arrived for the trip, we were so happy. The plane finally landed, refueled and took off without us. We were later told it had taken sniper fire and would not take any people on it’s flight. We were ready to shoot it down ourselves after that! Typical bullshit, right! Semper Fi! Cpl. D. A. Morrill (Nam 68-69) Anybody remember this?

Dennis Morrill,

Hi Dan I will see you again even though you were their a short time to me it seems like you were there much longer RIP Wes aka Youngblood Fox 2/5 forever

Wesley Williams,

I was at An Hoa with 2/5, where I served as a Forward Observer,in 67-68. It was definitely “Indian Country.” R.I.P. Brother…Semper Fi.

Michael Harris,

Dan came over to my bunker to see if he could join my M60 team. I told him that I would check in the morning, that night he was killed bringing ammo for everyone. Looking at him you thought that he was 18 or 19 years old. He was a very good Marine.

Stephen Ford,

God bless you Dan

Robert L Pittiglio,

I was in An-Hoa in ’68. Semper Fi Marine! Keep the gates guarded.

Doc Nealand,

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